About James
On May 19th, 2022 we received news that our 19 month old son James had a rare neurogenetic disorder called Angelman Syndrome. Affecting approximately 1 in 15,000 live births or 500,000 people worldwide, individuals with AS typically have balance issues, motor impairment, debilitating seizures, disruptive sleep cycles and developmental delays. Some do not walk; most do not speak. Thankfully, these individuals typically also have a happy demeanor, characterized by frequent laughter, smiling and excitability. And James most certainly possesses these traits.
To know James is to love him. His smile lights up the room, and his hugs are unmatched. His personality is infectious as is his laughter (and it is very easy to make him laugh)! ​We will continue to do everything we can to make sure that James's can do anything he wants to do and more!